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Pentair Corporation, recognized as one of the world’s premier providers of flow management systems, has a firm commitment to product integrity, security and compliance with US and/or local export laws and regulations. Under no circumstance will Pentair knowingly export products and/or technology contrary to US and/or local export and import laws and regulations.
As part of our continual commitment to improve and enhance our global trade compliance capabilities, Pentair has significantly strengthened the Pentair Export Compliance Team (ECT). The ECT is the corporate resource for both US and/or local export regulatory requirements and develops and implements policies and procedures to ensure compliance with US and/or local export laws and regulations. In addition to the ECT, each Pentair facility has an Export Compliance Coordinator (ECC) trained on export compliance matters. For assistance regarding the export of Pentair products, please direct inquiries to the ECC at your local sales office.
Each division maintains a “product matrix” that identifies nuclear, military and “dual use” products that require export and/or re-export licenses for international shipments. To obtain the Export Control Classification Number (ECCN) relevant to a particular product, please contact the ECC at your local sales office.
US export controls may regulate the shipment of US-origin products and technology that are exported and/or re-exported to parties and places around the world. If you are exporting or re-exporting Pentair products and/or technology of US-origin, it is your responsibility to ascertain your compliance obligations in accordance with the requirements of the US export laws and regulations, as well as any local export laws and regulations that may apply. Pentair recommends consulting legal counsel or the applicable government agencies in your particular country.
Military:Pentair products, components and technical information of US-origin that are specifically designed, developed, configured, adapted, or modified for a military application and are identified on the United States Munitions List (USML) are controlled for export by the Department of State’s Directorate of Defense Trade Controls (http://www.pmddtc.state.gov/). Export of US products, components and/or technical information of this type likely requires an export license or related approval from the (http://www.pmddtc.state.gov/). Additionally, products, components, and technical information that are specifically designed, developed, configured, adapted, or modified in other countries for a military application, may be subject to the export laws and regulations of the national regulatory agencies controlling exports of military items and technologies
Nuclear:Pentair products and components of US-origin that are especially designed or prepared for a nuclear reactor are controlled for export and likely require a license from the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (http://www.nrc.gov/). This includes certain Pentair pumps, valves, seals, and certain components for these products. These controls apply in particular to exports of products and components for use inside the containment area of nuclear power plants. Note that certain technical information (technology) related to the production of nuclear material or related to the components and products especially designed or prepared for use with a nuclear reactor may be controlled for export by the Department of Energy. Additionally, non-US origin products, components, and technical information specifically designed, developed, or modified for use with a nuclear reactor may be subject to the laws and regulations of various non-US regulatory agencies controlling export of nuclear products and technologies.
Dual Use:Pentair products and technology intended for use in legitimate commercial applications may also be diverted to military, nuclear or terrorist applications. A variety of these “dual use” US-origin Pentair products and technology require export licenses from Department of Commerce’s Bureau of Industry and Security (http://www.bis.doc.gov/). Non US-origin products manufactured in other countries or non US-origin technology developed in other countries must comply with the laws and regulations of the national regulatory agencies controlling exports of dual use items and technologies in these countries.
The US maintains economic sanctions against Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Sudan, and Syria. The export, re-export, sale, supply, or service, directly or indirectly, from the US or by a US person, wherever located, to any of these countries is strictly prohibited without prior authorization by the US government.
The US and other foreign governments also maintain lists of individuals, companies, vessels, etc. with which Pentair and others may not transact business. For entities listed on the U.S. Government lists, see (http://www.bis.doc.gov/ComplianceAndEnforcement/ListsToCheck.htm). The Denied Persons List, the Office of Foreign Assets Control's Economic and Trade sanctions List, (http://www.treas.gov/offices/enforcement/ofac/), and the Directorate of Defense Trade Controls (http://www.pmddtc.state.gov/).
Neither Pentair nor its customers may deal with any party you know or have reason to know who is involved in the design, development, manufacture or production of nuclear, biological or chemical "weapons of mass destruction."
Pentair has a firm commitment to compliance with U.S. and/or local import laws and regulations. Under no circumstance will Pentair knowingly import products contrary to US and/or local import laws and regulations. If you are importing Pentair products, it is your responsibility to ascertain your compliance obligations in accordance with the requirements of the US import laws and regulations, or any local import laws and regulations that may apply. Pentair recommends consulting legal counsel or the applicable government agencies in your particular country.
The Import Compliance Team (ICT) is the corporate resource for both US and/or local import regulatory requirements and develops, implements, and enforces import policies and procedures, in accordance with US and/or local import regulatory requirements. In addition to the ICT, each importing facility has an Import Compliance Coordinator (ICC) trained on import compliance matters. For assistance regarding the import of Pentair products, please direct inquiries to the ICC at your local sales office. For further assistance, please contact the Pentair ICT at exportcompliance@Pentair.com.
The Importer Security Filing (ISF), also known as 10+2, is a US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) mandate that requires US importers to file ten (10) importer data elements plus two (2) carrier data elements, 24 hours before cargo is loaded onto an ocean vessel destined for the United States. Currently, this rule ONLY applies to ocean shipments destined for the United States.
CBP may assess penalties to US importers for failing to file the ISF, failing to timely file an ISF, or failing to submit an accurate and complete ISF. Therefore, to help ensure that complete and accurate information is provided in a timely manner, Pentair requires all suppliers to submit the required data (https://www.Pentair.com/sites/default/files/inline-files/ISF_Worksheet_%28final%29.pdf) to the designated customs broker at least 72 hours before cargo is loaded to ensure accurate and timely filing.
For questions regarding ISF, please contact the Import Compliance Coordinator (ICC) at your local sales office.
Pentair has provided export and import information on this site for information purposes only and it is not intended to constitute legal advice or to be used as a substitute for legal advice from a licensed attorney. The information on this site may change without notice and it is your obligation as an exporter or re-exporter to comply with all US and/or local export and/or import laws and regulations. Therefore, you are urged to consult applicable US and/or local export and/or import laws and regulations before exporting, re-exporting, or importing Pentair products. Pentair makes no representations or warranties regarding the accuracy or reliability of the information and it is used at the user's own risk. Use of this information is without recourse to Pentair and Pentair will not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special or consequential damages incurred by the user or any third party arising from any use of the information on this site.
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